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Edward Burne Jones Artworks Stickers

4.4 ( 8864 ratings )
Utvecklare: Francois Bulteau
0.99 USD

More than 170 stickers of Edward Burne Jones Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- Sidonia von Bork
- Going to the Battle
- The Knight`s Farewell
- The Legend of St. Frideswide
- The Wise and Foolish Virgins
- Annunciation
- Clara von Bork
- Clerk Saunders
- Girl and Goldfish
- Merlin and Nimue
- Fatima
- Hope in Prison
- Morgan Le Fay
- The Annunciation. The Flower of God
- Cinderella
- The Merciful Knight
- Wedding of Sir Tristram
- Saint George and The Dragon The Princess Tied to the Tree
- The Lament
- The Princess Sabra Led to the Dragon Painting
- Cupid and Psyche
- Green Summer
- Laus Veneris
- St. George and the Dragon
- Three Trumpeting Angels
- Hesperus. The Evening Star
- Maria Zambaco
- Night
- Phyllis and Demophon
- The Godhead Fires, Pygmalion
- The Hand Refrains. The Pygmalion Series
- The Heart Desires. The Pygmalion Series
- The Kings Wedding
- The March Marigold
- Cupid Delivering Psyche
- Dorigen of Britain Waiting for the Return of Her Husband
- Sleeping Beauty
- Miriam
- Temperantia
- Daniel
- Venus Discordia
- Psyche and Pan
- The Beguiling of Merlin (Merlin and Vivien)
- The Mirror of Venus
- The Passing of Venus
- The Sirens
- Perseus and the Sea Nymphs
- Saint George
- Song of Love
- The Garden Of The Heserides
- An Angel Playing a Flageolet
- The Godhead Fires
- The Hand Refrains, 2nd series, Pygmalion
- The Heart Desires, Pygmalion
- The Vision of Saint Catherine
- The Annnciation
- Love
- Davids Charge to Solomon
- Earth Mother
- The Hours
- The Mill
- The Morning of the Resurrection
- Georgiana Burne Jones, their children Margaret and Philip in the background
- The Wheel of Fortune
- King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
- The Arming of Perseus
- The Doom Fulfilled
- The Mirror of Venus
- The Baleful Head
- The Garden Of Pan
- Danae and the Brazen Tower
- The Escape of Perseus
- The Rock of Doom
- Heart of the Rose
- The Briar Wood
- The Council Chamber
- The Garden Court
- The Sleaping Beauty
- Spona de Libano
- The Pilgrim at the Gate of Idleness
- Love Among the Ruins
- The Arming and Departure of the Knights
- The Fall of Lucifer
- Portrait of Cecily Horner
- The Wedding of Psyche
- Last Judgement
- Nymphs of the Stars
- The Dream of Launcelot at the Chapel of the San Graal
- Girls Head
- Gudrun Setting Fire to Atli s Palace
- The Calling of Perseus
- The Challenge in the Wilderness
- Achievment Galahad the Sang Graal
- An Angel
- Angel
- Angeli Laudantes
- Angels of Creation
- Arthur in Avalon
- Astrologia
- Balthazar
- Baronne Deslandes
- Cat and Kitten
- Cupids Forge
- Danae And The Brazen Tower
- Days of Creation, The 1st Day
- Days of Creation, The 3rd Day
- Design For The Sirens
- Fair Rosamond and Queen Eleonor
- Faith Hope and Charity
- Finding Psyche
- George Howard
- Guinevere rescued by Lancelot
- Head Study for The Masque of Cupid
- Head Study of Maria Zambaco (The Wine of Circe)
- Hope
- Hunting Fields
- Jesus and Woman at the Well
- King Gaspar
- King Mark and La Belle Iseult
- Lady Frances Balfour
- Lady Windsor
- Love Leading The Pilgrim
- Margaret
- Margaret Burne Jones
- Melchoir
- Melchoir
- Mermaid With Her Offspring
- Musical Angels
- Olive Maxse
- Owain departs from Landine
- Paderewski
- Perseus And The Graiae
- Portrait Group Of The Artists Family
- Portrait of a Young Boy
- Portrait of Katie Lewis
- Pygmalion
- Sibylla Delphica
- Song of Love
- Spring
- Study for Masque of Cupid
- Study for the Garden Court
- Sybil
- The Adoration of the Magi
- The Annunciation The Angel
- The Briar Wood
- The Council Chamber
- The damsel of the Sanct Grail
- The Depths Of The Sea
- The Dream of Lancelot (Study)
- The Garden Court (study)
- The Garden of the Hesperides...